The global trend of digitalization plays a leading role in the development of innovation, increasing productivity and competitiveness. In the era of digitalization, it became clear that companies that have managed to quickly adapt to the realities of the digital economy win. Therefore, everything is important in the palette of our courses – from the elementary computer literacy of each employee to the virtuoso management of digital transformation based on big data and artificial intelligence. Digitalization is the next level of our life, and we can switch to it now.
You save 941001 $ when buying a series of courses compared to buying each course separately
Основы работы с вычислительной техникой
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Базовые принципы разработки решений с блокчейн
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Введение в разработку мобильных приложений для Android
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Введение в разработку мобильных приложений под iOS 12
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Информационная этика
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Основы искусственного интеллекта и машинного обучения с Python
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Основы технологии больших данных
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